Car & Motorbike

It's incredible that cats are useful !!!

Studies have shown that by watching live cats on the internet, you can boost your energy and create a good mood. So it's not surprising that cats have many benefits. Come on and watch the 10 benefits of cats together.

1. Cat feeding can be environmentally friendly

Cats are better than dogs. Generally, Cats and Cats mostly eat fish and eat beef dishes. Cats eat fewer carbohydrates than dog food.

2. They help you solve your problem

Loss of loved ones is very painful, but the good method is to raise livestock. The cat can help you recover from the loss and show few signs of pain when you feel sad. You can say something in your heart to a cat and you can and feel good again, even though it is not.

3. Will help you find ... ..

If you are a man, have no partner, and find it hard to get a date, you can start cats. Most women like men who raise livestock. Cats are a good choice. But you should not give up when you have a partner.

4. Cat cats are smart people

Britain's 2010 survey by the University of British Columbia shows that cats are the largest contributor to college higher than those who love dogs. Cats also are smart. But it is not from cats that make smart owners. Because cats need less attention, it's a good choice for smart and busy people.

5. You will have a healthy heart

Cat feeding is good for your heart. Cats can help you reduce stress because you do not have to take time to look after them. One study found that in 10 years, cats had a 30 percent lower risk of heart attack or stroke than those who did not cat.

6. They meet your needs in friendship

Cats can be good friends, especially dogs, especially for women. An Australian study in 2003 shows that having a cat in the home feels like having a romantic partner. Cats can also remember the good things you do for them, and they will pay back later.

7. They can tell you (and others) a lot about personality

Options in raising animals can convey something from your personality. While dog lovers seem to have a fun life, like a party, cats are quieter and less talkative. But they have high credibility and the degree to which they trust others. Cats are also humble people.

8. You will get better sleep

Studies in the United Kingdom have shown that people (especially women) prefer to sleep with cats rather than their partners and say that sleep with cats is better than humans. Few people say that pets bring disruption.

9. Cattle feeding lowers the level of allergies

If you have a baby, it is a good time to feed a cat. In 2002, the National Institutes of Health released a study that found that children under the age of one with cats were less likely to develop allergies and not even anaphylaxis with pets. Experts have shown that by changing and cleaning cats every day, you will be safe and avoid allergies.

10. They can sometimes save your life

Famous cats are isolated and careless and their owners, but they have already saved a lot of people in the past. A cat in Montana saved two people when the gas turbine started to leak. Firefighters said that the house could easily burst without cat's help. There are many other examples showing that cats have saved lives.

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