Car & Motorbike

Let's see the 10 places that are the most horrible and dangerous on our planet

Although not often in the movies or tales of ghosts, these places can be said to be dangerous places and have had so many horrors.

1. Corryvreckan Maelstrom, Scotland

It is so powerful in the Scottish seas that it is so energetic that it can carry large devices such as a boat or ship down to a depth of more than 650 feet.

2. Odessa Catacombs, Ukraine

Underground crossroads under the city of Odessa, Ukraine, is a complex and intricate road stretching over 2,500 km. What is horrible about this tunnel is that most people who go in there will be lost and can not find a way out.

3. The Killing Field, Cambodia

The great historical drama of the Killing Fields in Cambodia, we have captured no less than a million people.

4. Bolton Battle, England

Even though the flow of water is quiet, the water is extremely dangerous because the flow of the bottom of the stream is very strong and deep enough to kill those down the water.

5. Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocean

This is the deepest cave on the planet. This dark, deep, canyon is a place of scary water.

6. Snake Island, Brazil

The islands are home to a large number of snakes, which Brazilian navy officials have decided to block the detention and access to the islands.

7. Door To Hell, Derweze, Turkmenistan

In 1971, the Soviet Village discovered a large gas pile that could explode at any time. One can see the flames are burning in the pit to this day.

8. The Wall, St. Croix, the U.S. Virgin Islands

At a depth of nearly two kilometers down The Wall is a popular place for the Baptist, especially for the lush oceanic waters, allowing us to see the depths that even sunlight can not reach.

9. Ijen Sulfur Mines Crater, Indonesia

The mine, Kawah Ijen, has a depth of up to 650 feet, where the miners dig into minerals without wearing any helmets. What's more, the mine is located on the active volcano.

10. Auschwitz Gas Chambers, Germany

The worst part of the world, the fragment of the prison shows the massacre of millions of Jewish people under the fascist regime.

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