Car & Motorbike

Polar light is a great natural phenomenon that you should bring your loved one to visit once in a lifetime!

Today gchhi99 encourage greater brightness thanks, Aurora ( Aurora ) or commonly known as polar light is the natural light that appeared on the sky in high-latitude regions, especially in the Arctic (North Pole) and Antarctica (South Pole).

In the North, this light can be seen on the northern coast of Siberia, Cana, Vincennes, Canada, Iceland and so on.

In the south, it can be seen in Antarctica directly and in the south. Generally, it is green, but sometimes the aurora, blue and red are also visible.

The Aura is associated with the solar tide that flows through the planet. The tides blow out of the sun and are loaded with plasma components that are absorbed into the Earth's polar field by magnetic force.

It then sparks collisions between these compounds, which are energy-absorbing and the nitrogen and oxygen concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere, which form a new energy in the form of aura.

Not to be overlooked is Arora, not just on the planet. Scientists have found the aurora on some planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Mars.

And like planet Earth, the aurora is also near the polar beacons of the planet.It is interesting that astronaut Aurora can also be seen from outer space, with the astronaut's satellite caught sight of its beautiful pictures from the sky.

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