Car & Motorbike

Are the many unconscious events really caused by the dark path?

Recently, a lot of information has been published about a large number of schoolchildren who were subsequently faint in school, claiming that this was because they saw or heard ghosts in the school. It is noteworthy that this is not the only case in Cambodia, many such cases occur, even in non-Buddhist countries.

Are so many faintings really caused by dark things like the soul?

Because we cannot claim religious beliefs, we do not take scientific interpretations because they have clear explanations and good proofs. In the medical field, this phenomenon is known as "Mass Psychogenic Illness", which is usually caused by dizziness, headache, or fainting.

The disease has interpreted the phenomenon of a group of people with similar problems at the same time. The onset of this condition is that when a member starts to feel uncomfortable in the body, the other person in the group feels the same, in the end, they all have the same problem.

This phenomenon is called a psychiatric psychologist whose effects are more emotional than the actual occurrence. It passes from person to person, because when someone in the group begins to feel uncomfortable and fantasies, individuals start to feel nervous.

The assertion that hearing or seeing strange images is mostly due to the patient's thought of the subject and thus makes their brains create a different image or sound. In general, the occurrence of the disease is caused by a lack of air pollution or a gloomy environment. Sometimes it is because of those people having a stressful life, something like, for example, when approaching a test.

This is just a scientific explanation. For various religious issues, we will not mention that because we are not justified reasons to confirm.

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