Car & Motorbike

The top eight hazardous jobs, with too high water, people risking their lives!

The work of God is good, as long as it is righteous, and not against the commandment of God. In general, brain usage often gets higher than physical work, but in the case of work, there is a high risk of accidents, the high costs of the work.

Here are the top 8 most dangerous jobs in the world, but because of the high salaries, people dare to risk (from 8 downwards):

8 plays with crocodiles (one hour between $ 10 and $ 20)

7 Central Ocean Fishery (One Year More Than US $ 10,000)

6. Take up the incident information on the battlefield or in armed conflict (one year is $ 30,000)

 5 Fluid Label (nearly $ 40,000 a year)

4 Work on the most dangerous high-rise building ($ 30,000 to $ 70,000 a year)

3 Visitors to the top of the iceberg ($ 80,000 a year)

2 Oil drilling in the ocean ($ 80,000 to $ 140,000 a year)

1 horse riding performance and being escaped when hit by a collision that may have been seriously injured or disabled (over a hundred thousand dollars a year)

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